167: Hobbit - The Desolation of Smaug

"I am fire, I am death!"

I think this movie is actually pretty funny. Bombur in the barrel, Bombur running ahead of the whole group when a bear is on their ass...Although there is nothing funny about those spiders. They should be called Spiders of Unusual Sizes. Name THAT movie!!! Ha, ha. I honestly had flashbacks to when I saw this in theaters and just about wanted to crawl into a ball and rock back and forth with those spiders on the big screen and talking! I mean no! Seeing it again I still wanted to do that, just not as bad. No squirming on the couch was as far as it went, even when poor Bombur got stuck underneath one when the rest of the gang pulled the limbs off of it.

I do love Thorin, but you can see in this movie, as they get closer to the mountain, just how he is changing and not for the better. The gold addiction is starting to affect him and even Balin calls him out on it. I mean I know it only gets worse, but still. A little annoying and sad. I kept thinking when watching Smaug, about the behind the scenes clip of Benedict on the floor, all in green, with the motion capture dots on his face as he got into the role. Also hearing him talk about how he had to go so deep for his voice that his throat hurt for a while and I might not remember right if he lost his voice for a few days. I highly recommend you see it on youtube though so you can appreciate just how in character he was and went in for the role.

If I had to choose which movie was my favorite just based on storyline alone, it would be this one. I feel like now we have really started the adventure and gotten into the nit and grit. The beauty of the river and Laketown against the mountains, those horses in the beginning were magnificent. I again watched the behind the scenes and I still want to go there someday and bask in how beautiful it is. I am jealous they got to film there to be honest. Oh to have been in that movie on the set and in costume!!!

Anyways, it is time for me to head to bed. If I dream about gold and the Arkenstone, you will know that the curse has gotten to me too! ;)

Tori M.


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