166: Hobbit - An Unexpected Journey

"What's a Bagginses?"

I love this movie, at first I was skeptical because when I was younger I never got into the books. Ever. Then of course there was the original animated The Hobbit movie that was watched in Elementary school classrooms where I was concerned. Oh boy that animated movie. *shakes head* Then I saw this and fell in love....also with Thorin Oakenshield. I know, I know, you all probably love elves and Hobbit's, but I am all for the Dwarf King. His nephews I like too, but Thorin wins.

I also love when they sing "The Misty Mountain" song in Bilbo's home, it is so beautiful and gives me goosebumps every time. It also happened to make my TV and side table vibrate from the low hum of those bass singing dwarves! I am a little like Bilbo. Set in my ways, love to read, short, happy not going outside and if I do it is only a short distance and short while. So I would easily make Bag End my home if I could. Then of course there is Rivendell. Gorgeous Rivendell with waterfalls, in the mountains and such greenery...I mean I could vacation there, but the lack of meat for meals kind of puts a damper on it.

While watching this I didn't have my ring on, yes I have the one ring to rule them all. I love it, it's not my precious because that honor goes to my cat Penny and I am not intending on turning into Gollem/Smeagol. I have seen the behind the scenes and love all the locations they shot at and seeing in depth choosing the places, filming and changing into the costumes and going into makeup. Seeing how they did the height differences between them and Gandalf. I would love to visit New Zealand one day and visit The Shire that they finally have permanently there and to maybe visit some of the filming locations as well.

Now onward, especially after that last scene with the gold being disturbed by Smaug's nostril. It is time to meet the famous, terrible, magnificent, tremendous, impenetrable, mighty, stupendous  *looks around for dragon hoping to appease him with complimentary wording* Lord Smaug, King Under the Mountain.

Tori M.


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