165: The Hitcher (2007)

There is just something about Sean Bean in a trans am, big car scene with crashes and shooting to the song of Closer by Nine Inch Nails that just feels right. Ha, ha. I love that song anyways, but it makes that scene so much more and badass than if they had used something else. Re-watching this again I felt so anxious! I haven't seen it in a few years, I love this movie though. I mean you get the muscle car, Sean Bean, and I love Sophia Bush as an actress--loved her especially in One Tree Hill. It is the ultimate fear of hitchhikers. Do you pull over, do you drive by? I mean there is a part of everyone I think that wants to do the right thing, but there are also a lot of unknowns out there when it comes to people and the mind.

I mean you do kind of have to wonder if at the beginning, when they almost hit him in the rain, if they had just given him a ride to the gas station would they be in the position they were in? I mean the truck driver didn't have a problem with him and didn't die, but then again that family died. Was it because Grace and Jim had tried to intervene? There are so many what if questions, but you know it creates more tension in the movie and you just wonder how this is going to end. Not me though, I have seen it so many times. However, I have not seen the original and I just might have to do that in the future, I don't know if I will like it as much as this one from reading that there is no Grace in the original. That it is just Jim and John Ryder.

I will say that Sean Bean has always been fantastic at playing the bad guy, so they really chose wisely to play the Hitcher in this remake. Sophia does a great job as well as showing strength and courage, even though she is scared out of her mind. You can tell that John wants someone like him and sees potential for that someone in Grace, he keeps going more for her than Jim. Then at the end he says, "Feels good doesn't it," when the topic of killing, shooting someone else is on the line. Also, a shotgun in his face. When she says she doesn't feel anything, he is so confused and disappointed because he was alone. At least that is what I get from it. Either way, awesome movie and perfect for a rainy day.

Tori M.


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