164: Hitch

I love this movie, it is so funny and cute. I just wish this was real. I know that there are 'matchmakers' out there, but I mean someone to help you to get over your own insecurities, out of your own way, so then you can talk to someone you like. We all get in our own way don't we? Especially when it comes to asking someone out or dating. There is always a Vance that ruins it, but then there is always an Albert waiting to take you away. I have seen this movie so many times that I can quote it while watching it and I even quote it when I am not watching it. The dance lesson with making the pizza and throwing away the q-tip. Ha, ha.

Who are you looking for? An Albert? A Hitch? An Allegra? A Sarah? I think I am more of a Sarah sadly, I expect someone to let me down or want only one thing and that is usually what happens. So like her, I am going to live my life and if something happens, something happens. My Hitch/Albert is out there somewhere. If any of you are struggling with dating, just keep your hopes up. Think positively and trust that it will all work out.

Tori M.


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