160: Herbie Fully Loaded

"I am being carjacked by my own car!"

Herbie is back and as cute and sassy as ever. He has come into the time of stock cars and monster trucks. I really like this movie because it reminds me of when I used to work at the racetrack with my mom and brother. Yes, my mom got us our first jobs and that is what it was. We grew up going to the racetrack and hanging out in the tower watching my mom work and watching the cars go around. I have never actually seen the older original Herbie movies, but it was cool during the opening scene of the movie it shows bits and pieces of those movies before it explains the, "Where is he now?" Sadly he has been reduced to the junk yard, only to be saved by a racing family as a normal car.

Well...not for long. It only took him maybe a good hour before he was on the streets racing against Maggie's wishes. Ha, ha. I will say that when this movie came out I wanted a car just like Herbie. The closest I ever got was a VW bug for my barbies. I also love Lindsay Lohan, she may not be the same girl she was before all the drama, but I loved her movies and her music. So seeing her in movies again that I grew up on and loved is a real treat. :)

Tori M.


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