157: Haunted Mansion

"Do you believe in ghosts Mr. Evers?"

That one question and tunnel vision on the sale with real estate that starts a night not to be forgotten. I remember when this movie came out and I saw it in theaters, the part in the mausoleum scared the living daylights out of me. Zombies. I have a problem is zombies and by problem I mean fear. Now don't get me wrong, I love the Walking Dead show and Resident Evil, but I can't play games with zombies without freaking out. It took me a long time to be able to watch Walking Dead. Anyways, ghosts. I don't know about you guys/gals, I believe in ghosts. In case you can't tell by the G's in this challenge with most of them with the word Ghost in it. ;)

I love the fact that this movie is the tamer, not raunchy side of Eddie Murphy. Also the fact that the actual ride at Disneyland inspired the movie. I have yet to actually go to Disneyland, but I have been to Disneyworld on numerous occasions due to my grandpa living there half the year while I was growing up. I would love to go on this ride again, especially during Halloween because I hear they do a Nightmare Before Christmas theme and that just happens to be my favorite movie.

Re-watching this and singing along with my mom to the barber shop quartet heads, I don't care if that mansion is haunted...I want to live there. The architecture is amazing!!! Yeah dusty, has spiders and a million zillion dead bodies in the backyard with grave markers in every shape and size...I would still love it. Mansions with that much history in how they are built and the time period really fascinates me. And Mr. Gracie still is as dashing as ever! Poor guy is stuck with an evil butler and a broken heart in the home he used to love. In the end I am just glad things were set right and the Evers decided to keep the mansion they were given the deed to after helping.

And now I will bid you all goodnight "for ever and evers". This grim grinning ghost is ready to go to bed.

Tori M.


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