Taking Advice and Blogging About It


So I have obviously already started this goal of mine, but my mom's coworker suggested that I blog about my goal. I started it the beginning of this year and have 365 days to complete it, with over 420 movies to watch that I own. My mom's coworker mentioned that it was the topic of the day of what movie we are on at their lunch table, since I tag her on movies on Facebook. I have been using Facebook currently to keep track and myself accountable for the movies that I have watched so far. I actually have attempted this goal in the distant past, but only made it to the B's.

Without further ado, here are the movies that I have seen so far:

1. 10th Kingdom - now yes I know that it was technically a tv mini series but I view it as a movie in my books.
2. 10 Things I Hate About You
3. 13 Going On 30
4.17 Again
5. 27 Dresses
6. 500 Days of Summer
7.Accidental Husband
8. Ace Ventura
9. Agent Cody Banks - Now who remembers this one growing up???
10. Agent Cody Banks 2
11. Alien vs Predator
12. Alice - also a tv mini series from Syfy, but I love it
13. Alice in Wonderland Disney animated version
14. Alice in Wonderland the latest one from Disney with Johnny Depp - Seeing a pattern? I love Wonderland.
15. America's Sweetheart
16. Anna and the King
17. Another Cinderella Story
18. Aquamarine
19. Avatar
20. Back to the Future
21. Back to the Future 2
22. Back to the Future 3
23. Bandidas
24. Batman Begins
25. Beautiful - If you haven't seen this you should, Minnie Driver is amazing in this movie!
26. Beautiful Creatures
27. Beauty & the Beast Original
28. Beauty & the Beast remake
29. Beauty & the Beast Christmas
30. Bedtime Stories
31. Beer For My Horses
32. Beetlejuice
33. Bewitched - I cannot tell you how many time my mom and I quote this movie on a daily basis. "Yikes!" "You're a jerk!" Super funny and one of the few movies that I like with Will Farrell.
34. BFG
35. Big Fat Liar
36. Big Momma's House
37. Bill & Ted's Bogus Journey - One of my other favorite movies, especially since I got this from Pizza Hut back in the day when they gave you a movie of your choice with your delivery!
38. Black Knight
39. Black Swan
40. Blue Streak
41. Bourne Identity
42. Bourne Supremacy
43. Bourne Ultimatum
44. Brave
45. Breakfast Club - Who doesn't love Bender? Seriously, this movie is such a classic and still shows the struggles of teenagers to this day.
46. Bridget Jones Diary - Now this was a first for my mom and I. It was a good movie, we were thrown off a little but grew to like it as the movie went on. Of course we also brought this and the sequel with us as we went up north to Duluth for my birthday back in February.
47. Bridget Jones: The End of Reason
48. Bringing Down the House
49. Bring it On - Spirit fingers!!!! Grew up watching this movie and yes when I was little it did make me want to become a cheerleader, but that dream never developed. Instead I got into dancing.
50. Bring it On All Or Nothing
51. Bring it On Fight to the Finish
52. Brother's Grimm
53. Bruce Almighty
54. Bubbly Boy - So with this goal this was the first movie to be moved to the give away pile. It has helped me weed out movies I no longer watch or like.
55. Bulletproof Monk - Chow Yun Fat baby! My first movie that I have seen him in
56. Burlesque
57. Camp Rock
58. Camp Rock 2
59. Captain America: The First Avenger
60. Cars
61. Center Stage: Turn It Up
62. Chaos Factor
63. Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle
64. Chicago
65. Chicken Little
66. Christmas Carol - the one where Jim Carrey is voicing practically the whole cast lol
67. Christmas Cottage - Highly recommend this movie! Do you love paintings? Do you love Thomas Kinkade? Do you also happen to love Jared Padalecki from Supernatural? Watch this.
68. Chronicles of Riddick
69. CIA: Target Alexa
70. City of Ember
71. Clash of the Titans
72. Clockstoppers
73. Clueless - "As if!"
74. Comanche Moon - another tv mini series, I believe that this was the last one I included in on the goal, just because the other one I had was too long.
75. Con Games
76. Constantine
77. Covenant
78. Coyote Ugly
79. Cry Wolf
80. Daredevil - now I don't care what people have to say that this movie is horrible, I actually really like it and I mean I was young when it came out. Bullseye was my favorite character back then too, so this will always be a good movie in my heart.
81. Dark Knight - The Legend!!! I miss you Heath Ledger. Definitely in my top 10 favorite movies, I love the Joker and I love Batman. My phone wallpaper is the Why So Serious from this movie and my phone case is him as the Joker.
82. Dark Tower
83. Daybreakers
84. Deadpool - Who else is excited for the sequel???? *raises hand*
85. Disney's Descendants - Seeing a theme here? Disney? Musicals? Dancing?
86. Despicable Me
87. Dodgeball
88. Doom - I know, I know. Another one that others find lame. But you know I mainly got it years ago because of Karl Urban.
89. Down Periscope - YOU ALL NEED TO SEE THIS! Hilariously funny and I remember that when I was younger, whenever we watched something scary, my mom would turn this on for us. Especially the whale sound part. Rob Schneider, Kelsey Grammar, the guy from Rocketman that I can never remember his name.
90. Dracula 2000
91. Dracula Untold
92. Dude, Where's My Car? - my mom had never seen this before and now we find ourselves quoting it like crazy. "And then." "Zoltan!"
93. Duke's of Hazzard
94. EarthSea - I was wrong, there was one more mini tv movie series.
95. Eat, Pray, Love
96. Ella Enchanted
97. Elektra
98. Employee of the Month
99. Enchanted
100. Entrapment
101. Evan Almighty
102. Expendables
103. Expendables 2
104. Expendables 3
105. Failure to Launch
106. Family Man
107. Fantastic 4
108. Fantastic 4: Rise of the Silver Surfer
109. Fantastic Beasts
110. Fast & Furious 4
111. Field of Dreams - the first time I have ever seen this and it is one of my mom's favorite movies.
112. Fight Club - 1st rule about fight club is don't talk about fight club.
113. Finding Nemo - this was the movie that my cat discovered my television and now she watches the movies with us, sitting right in front of it so stinking cute-like.
114. Finding Neverland
115. Fired Up
116. Flight of the Phoenix
117. Fool's Gold
118. Footloose the original
119. Freaky Friday - the one with Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay Lohan. Really love this movie, haven't seen it in a while and love how well the both did in mimicking each other.
120. Fred Claus
121. French Kiss - "God-ess." "Lactosintolerance!!!" "Luc." Hilarious and romantic.
122. Frequency
123. Frozen
124. Gameplan
125. Gamer
126. Get Smart

Stay tuned for more! This is another way for me to stay accountable and if you want to know just what kind of movies I have and am watching lately, come back and check this blog out.

-Tori M.


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