152: Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire

Lord Voldemort is back, watch out wizards and witches! Ha, ha. Out of all of the Harry Potter movies, this one is my favorite. The long hair trend has run amok with the males and the teenage years of dating and asking people to a dance shows the awkwardness and huge flare of drama that arises with it. Also we get Cedric, who not only dies but then moves on to become the sparkly vampire we all know as Edward Cullen in Twilight. I think I prefer him in Harry Potter though and yes it is a real tearjerker when he dies. His dad crying like that shows just how the loss of a child can effect someone and they can barely even stay upright. I hope in the future I never know the loss of my own child and for those that have in the world, know that we all care deeply for you.

I think my favorite part of the movie is the dragons. Fire, flying and a really good job of realism in this movie. Also Mad Eye Moody is hilarious! Even if it was the fake Moody in the movie, still...that actor is great at comedy. I wish I had more to say, I am actually really tired. Been back to work for 3 days and feel like I got a workout, but it really nice to be back. I missed be out of the house and it is amazing how much the world changes outside your home in 2 and a half weeks. Just got to get my body used to living again. Hope you all are having a great Sunday!

Tori M.


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