150: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets

So this movie, I remember loving it so much when it came out. Draco matured a bit more and my crush on him just soared as well as my crush for Daniel for a brief moment. My least favorite part of this movie is the part where they go into the dark forest and meet Aragog the giant spider. The babies freak me out too, but when you have a non-CGI creature that huge and a spider...I was squirming. When you can brush a spider with a barbie hair brush, that is just too much and just a big fat NO for me. Ha, ha. Who else noticed that in this movie Ron got funny? He wasn't that funny in the first one, but now he is pretty much the comic relief with his facial expressions. He is VERY expressive. Just like I am and I have no eyebrows.

I have to mention the polyjuice potion. That just made me want to throw up or gag watching them drink it. Kind of like a nasty grey protein shake and then you add hair to it to drink. This is also the last Harry Potter that the original Dumbledore was in before he passed away. The new Dumbledore did a great job of filling the shoes, but you can definitely tell that it was done because you have someone a little younger under the beard and long hair. I know everyone was very sad at the time when his passing was announced.

Now I don't know about you, but I had the first and second movie as video games on my Playstation. I still have them, the only problem is that my memory card won't recognize the game and when I go to play I kind of have to play it and hope it doesn't crash. That doesn't really work, it has crashed at the same point in the game, halfway through it and I have to start all over again. I don't have the patience to do it right away, so I revisit every once in a long while. I also had the computer games when they came out way back on the older PC's. I loved playing those games and you had to deal with Jeeves the mischievous ghost along with Filch and his cat.

I have seen these so many times, but re-watching the movies have brought up so many memories, especially with the first two. Well I am off. Have to contemplate the answer to Mr. Weasley's question of the function of a rubber duck, not dream about giant spiders and get some much needed rest before work tomorrow. Goodnight people!

Tori M.


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