149: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone

The wizarding world is back! I love this movie, I have only read the 2nd, 3rd and 5th books of Harry Potter. I never really got that into it and I had a hard time getting past how it started on some. My favorite was the 5th, but I was very disappointed seeing the movie after reading it. Then I pretty much just gave up and watched the movies, thought it was better to not get my hopes up. But anyways, the start of the adventure of Harry and his friends. I can't believe how little they were. So darn cute. After this movie, everyone--my brother and myself included--wanted the Every Flavored Beans and the chocolate frogs. I remember getting a booger or vomit one once and threw up. I can still remember the taste. *shudders*

I don't know how many times when I was little, when this first came out, I watched this. Even going over to my cousin's for a sleepover and the next day we would act out with the movie as if we were witches and wizards too. "Leviosa not Leviosaw." Today, I still wish that this was real. Going to Hogwarts, which you can if you go to Universal Studios now...I really need to go there, my dad has gone before my mom and I have! At that was because he was on a music trip for students and judging. Jealous!!!

However, when I was little my mom enrolled my brother and I into Harry Potter club back in Utah and we got sorted by the hat into houses. My brother was Ravenclaw and I was Slytherin. My house always won Quidditch whenever we played. Think soccer/football, with broomsticks and running with a stuffed snitch being tossed back and forth like you are playing monkey in the middle. I am really good at sports, so I was either getting the snitch or spiking the quaffle away from a goal. That was honestly the most fun thing ever, I don't think they do it anymore. But I can honestly say that I was sorted into my house with the actual hat (speaker in the hat), way before you could do it online. Slytherin all the way! Just not bad, my group was never mean. :)

I don't know about you guys, but whenever the wizard chess comes on at the end when they have to get to the stone...I still get anxious. I know how it turns out and everything, but it is really tense with the pieces attacking each other and moving slowly across the board. It really is a work of art when you see it though and pay attention to the details with the building of the set. I was also the one that instead of having a crush on Ron or Harry, I had a crush on Draco and Snape. Yes, Snape. Speaking of Snape...Rest in Peace Alan Rickman. You are greatly missed. Always.

Tori M.


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