146: Hansel & Gretel Witch Hunters

Jeremy Renner in leather. He is really as good looking on screen as he is in person, I know because I met him at Salt Lake Comic Con a few years back and got a picture with him.

Anyways, the movie was awesome, but honestly my mind was elsewhere throughout it. So I would pause it to kind of play Oxenfree on my Switch for a little bit and then play it and watch it. It helped because today I am actually doing a little better. I am not as tired as I have been, nor as weak, and light headedness is going away...but that is all because I was put on Pedialyte and rest. I won't be able to go back to work till Thursday, but on my 2nd liter of Pedialyte and have maybe 1 more to go for tomorrow. I love how dark this movie is and not dark like you think, but color wise. It is set in the perfect period and how they did the makeup on the witches and troll was great. When you can do a fantastic job and not have to do special effects to make it look believable.

I know that the script is not necessarily accurate with the time period, but I frankly could care less when there is magic, shooting and action. Not much to say about this movie other than you will never think the same of Hansel and Gretel ever again. :)

Tori M.


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