145: Hannah Montana Movie

Okay who didn't love watching the good shows that used to be on Disney Channel? I loved this show and Miley, I still do. Even though she had a weird phase...but you know a lot of popular celebrities doe. They do weird stuff and then somehow find themselves, usually when they go from their younger self to who they are as an adult and person. Kind of like what we do as non-celebrities, but you know we are just not in the limelight all the time when we do stupid things.

Watching it again, I love how homey it feels. I love the country and animals. Her going back to her roots and I of course got emotional while watching her sing Butterfly Fly Away with her dad, because it reminds me of my dad and how he would take care of me when I was little when my mom was away in the city at work. He is still alive, so don't think that he isn't, he just is back in the state I am from that never felt like home even when I was too young to know better. Now I have get better faster, ha, ha, because my mom wants to learn the Hoedown Throwdown song that I learned when this movie came out.

One thing is for sure that this movie points out...no matter how far you stray or lose your way, as long as you go back to your roots and take a step back you'll be just fine. "Life's a climb, but the view is great."

Tori M.


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