135: G.I. Joe The Rise of Cobra

Ugh, so it is the afternoon and it is STILL SNOWING! On the bright side, I think my flu is over. I was able to keep food down yesterday, but it still has to be bland. Which means I will be eating really blandly for a week or at least a few days. My guess is probably a week with how messed up my system is. Anyways, GI JOE! I never had one growing up and neither did my brother, but I really like the movie. It has been a while since I have seen this movie and I forgot how it liked to jump suddenly from past memories. I do like it, but it's not the BEST action film. Watching it this time around I think I have decided to just have it for those action binges that happen at times. Also I mean it does have Channing in it. Who doesn't love Channing? I know some people don't, but I remember first seeing him in She's The Man and then after that he kind of got more jobs in movies.

I like how at the end they set it up for the sequel with The Rock, but at the same time I feel like maybe how they brought in past storylines and memories could have been better. One moment we start the movie with it in the past and it sets it up for one of the bad guys and his reasons at villany, but it only explains his reasons at France. It was kind of lacking as a huge reason to create warheads for the entire world domination. *Shrugs* I personally think that scene in the beginning could have been left out. As for any other thoughts of re-watching this movie, I don't really have any. It didn't stand out too much to have a lot to say about it. Now I am questioning to watch another movie or to play a game or something. I guess we will all know that answer if I post again today, huh? Ha, ha.

Tori M.


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