133: Ghost Rider Spirit of Vengeance

It isn't like I haven't seen this before, but when you watch it right after the 1st one you can tell the quality has improved. I mean the 1st one is great, but you really get to experience the craziness of the Ghost Rider within Johnny. Not to mention he turned this huge mining or whatever it was machine into his fire weapon/ride. My favorite parts have to be when that music starts to signify the badassery of the rider and the other part when the boy Danny figures out that he has the same powers as his dad the devil. He then proceeds to jump onto Johnny and scream fire back into him. Yes, I just spoiled and do I really care? No! Because it was awesome!

I admit I had a huge problem with the fact that they didn't respect the wishes of Peter Fonda as the original devil in the 1st movie, he wanted to reprise the role but gave it to someone else instead. The guy, in my opinion just acted like Fonda did in the 1st and was trying too hard. But I guess if you go with the logic in this movie that he burns up his host too fast with using his powers, then maybe he "burned up the host" that was Fonda. *rolls eyes and waves hand*

Anyways, I know that they will not do a 3rd movie with Nicolas Cage. I remember reading an article about it and thought that was kind of sad, but it would be interesting also to see the character from Marvel, The Ghost Rider to continue on with more storylines from the comics. When you see just how crazy he got in this movie though, it gives you some mad props to Nicolas with how he stayed at the Castle Dracula nearby while filming to get into character. He may be a little weird, like Tom Cruise can be, but you know a lot of the good actors are weird. They go to places that most people don't and do their own stunts for realism.

Yesterday one of my friends asked who was my favorite Marvel superhero, I said Deadpool at first but he is technically the anti-hero. So then I chose Antman. I think I might have to rescind that and change my Marvel one to Ghost Rider. An angel who went crazy with a motorcycle and fire. That is my kind of hero.

Tori M.


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