132: Ghost Rider

Here it comes! This movie is awesome, I love the fire, the bike...oh don't get me started on the bike and it on fire and badass looking. You might not be a Nicolas Cage fan, but I grew up watching him in City of Angels and Gone in 60 Seconds (which will be another one on the goal). I remember seeing this when it first came out and thinking this was the coolest thing ever.  Then you get "Ghost Riders In The Sky" playing when he is driving through the desert alongside the other ghost rider played by Sam Elliot, going to deal with the devil's son and save the damsel in distress.

I also had the biggest, and kind of still do just in this movie, crush on the devil's son. *dies a little* War of emotions for the awesomeness of Nicolas Cage all skeleton and flame and then the son of the devil who is all blue and shadow and bad. I tell you guys out there, the jonesing for the bad guy is a REAL and TRUE thing. Don't get me wrong we like the good guys too, but every now and then...

Anyways, off to watch this. I wrote about this one first just because I have seen it so much I remember it by heart and love it to death. As Johnny Blaze puts it..."Let's Ride."

Tori M.


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