331: Rookie of the Year

Another classic. Why haven't you seen this? I am talking to those who are reading this and haven't. Those who are older than me or my age--25. I am even not a baseball fan, but I grew up on this movie. "Pitcher's got a big butt!" "Give him the BIG! STINKY! CHEESE!"

Wouldn't it be cool if you were into something, really into something and something happened to you that allowed you to do it? Like for instance when Henry fell on his arm and broke his arm, having it heal where the tendon fused with his humerus tightly so then he could pitch fast and play for the Cubs. It's kind of like the baseball version of Like Mike. This just came out first and rather than shoes, it was an injury. I don't know what it is about kids being able to do professional sports or jobs that makes it so entertaining and funny in movies, but it is. It shows you that your dreams can come true. Just don't go out looking to hurt yourself in order to do it.

Henry could pitch, he just didn't know it until he lost his gift and found out his mom was a pitcher. He wanted to be an outfielder. Yeah he should have listened to his mom in the first place when she recommended it, but sometimes you have to learn and find the path for yourself.

Tori M.


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