238: Mannequin

This takes me back. I grew up watching this movie thanks to my mom. She would always say I was like Johnathan, always doing thing precise and perfect and would reference the pizza job he had in the beginning. What can I say? I am precise. Lots of artistic people are. I think that the concept of someone traveling through time due to the Gods of Ancient Egypt is great, but I'm a little confused as to why the girl would be named Emmy. That is probably the one thing that doesn't make sense when dealing with someone from that time period and even more so that she is a red head. I'm a stickler for accurate depiction, but this was made in the 80's and it more about her being a mannequin in time to find her true love. The music is really good in this movie and the big dance sequence in that department store...speaking of that department store, it was amazing and huge!

I am writing this while I have a moment being upright on the couch, halfway through the next movie too. Gonna take some sinus medication soon to hopefully combat what is going on in my head being sick. Re-watching this movie after years, I forgot how much I loved this movie with how different and eccentric it is. You don't really see these types of romantic movies anymore with this kind of creativity. Well, back to lying down and watching movies. Right now I feel like a dummy too.

Tori M.


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