213: Last Holiday

I love the message about this movie. Basically that no matter what you should go for your dreams, be yourself, be honest, say what is on your mind, eat that meal that you want to make on that cooking show, go on that trip you have on your bucket list. Just go and do it. Don't wait for it to be too late or when you are going to die. Life can be too short, especially for unknowns and that is pretty much every day that is going to come. You have no idea what tomorrow will bring. If you found out that you had 3 weeks to live like Georgia did, what would you do? I would probably do what she did and leave the country. I would go and travel to all the places I want to in Europe and not limit myself.

We all kind of live day to day, paycheck to paycheck and worried about rejection and taking risks. Since I moved here, I have been doing more things outside of my box of comfort because I know that I will have experiences and fun that I wouldn't have. I also love this movie because it is really funny and Queen Latifah knows how to go from reserved to letting it all out. There is such confidence in her when she decides to live her life, because what she was doing wasn't really living. It may seem hard to get out of your routine, but there are things you can do to live your life. Maybe instead of waking up, go to work, come home, sleep and repeat, say you are going to go to that movie you wanted to see, the zoo, that place an hour or so away for the day and come back, tell someone what you really think about something rather than playing it safe. It is really the little things.

Make every day like it is your last holiday. See what I did there?

Tori M.


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