168: Hobbit - The Battle of the Five Armies

First off...HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!!

Now I can get into the movie. This is my 2nd time seeing this one and I forgot that two people died at the end and not just Kili. I mean I cried, I cried really hard when the Elf King told her the reason why it hurt so much was because her love for him was real. My big emotional scale through this movie was, anxiety from all the battle going on, to "come on Thorin, get your head out of your ass", to "YAY THORIN IS BACK", to back heartbreak at the death of Fili, Kili and Thorin, to glad the war was over and Bilbo could go home...of course only to find out his personal effects were being auctioned off.

I mean I know there is a lot of CGI in this movie and this one is my least favorite, but not because of that reasoning that is so many others'. I think it is because now they have to defend what they quested for and a lot of death. I mean you can't have a happy ending without fighting for it, but I definitely prefer the other two movies with all of the lighter moments they throw in with the comedy and such. It helps when you can laugh in times of darkness or sadness. Now that this is over, I can't wait to get to Lord of the Rings and watch that over again. It has been many years since I have gone near them, because when I was younger I was not into the same things I am into today. My younger self didn't comprehend how awesome it was and thought of it as a waste of time.

But you know I really liked to play outdoors, than watch movies a lot and read. I do those two things more now that I am older and am writing my own book and fanfiction (on rare occasions these days for the last one). Now to go to the next movie, my mom went along with the hobbit today--fell asleep during it too--so now we get to watch one of her favorite movies in her top 10. Yes, mom, I know you are reading this. You honestly didn't think I wasn't going to mention you falling asleep during the battle did you?? Ha, ha.

Tori M.


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